Sunday 12 January 2014

aq cuba gak ar jd dia,,tp ta bole,,

try ar korg jd org laen,,na neok bape lama korg bole brthan,, 
 haiyaa,,pling lama pon dua ari,, citarasa
 ta sama maa,, ok lah,, hidup senirik pon ta keruan,, ini kan pula na ikut hidup org laen,, mgkin baju bole sama,, makan bole sama,, ape2 material korg bole sama,, 
tp jiwa ta sama maa,, kalu dia rock,,terhutung hayang,, aq mana bole ikut,,
 aq jiwang maa,, mana bole huyung hayang nih,, sentimental la ckit,,
 try suruh yg rock mix ngn jiwang,,
 neok bole pergi sampai mana,,hahahaha ok laa,,kalu korg raasa bole jd org laen,,jadilaaa,, ta heran pon,, 
ape yg terbaik,,
jd diri senirikk bersyukur giler bebbb,,
dpt jd diri senirik korg ader??? 
 ok aq na blahh, bnyk keje baii,,

aq la tuh yg dok kat blakang ,,
tu yg keje ta siap tuh


Tuesday 17 July 2012


Welcome to my new world,,, With mo,re life and more experience,,, Life is simple,,,full colour and meaningful,,, We share our stories and tales,,, Make our faces smile and always smile,,, Make our eyes open wide and more wider than usual,,